Header: Mentoring for the children with developmental issues


Mentoring for the children with developmental issues

Children with developmental issues are one of the most marginalized and socially excluded groups in the society that is Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the aim of socially including and making possible the development of children’s capacities, the program Older brother, older sister is adapted so it can adequately respond to the needs of the children with developmental issues.

Developmental issue (disorder) is every salient deficiency in one’s development i.e. atypical development and deviation from developmental norms in comparison with typical peers (source: EDUS – Udruženje za unapređenje obrazovanja i podrške djeci sa i bez poteškoća u razvoju). Kids with developmental issues, taking into consideration that they have some defective organs and/or functions, have special pedagogical-educational and rehabilitation needs that need to be attended to, besides those needs which are common for all kids.

Issues and other specifics in development which children can have include: emotional issues/problems in behavior, bodily defections/health impairments, defections of sensory functions, speech and language impairment, intellectual impairment/diminished cognitive capacity, learning disability, autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, multiple disabilities.

The main principles we operate by when working with children with developmental issues are: individual approach to every child (getting thoroughly and reliably informed about the needs of a child) and focus on the strengths and potentials.

While working with the children with developmental issues, current standards of the program Older brother, older sister are applied, with modifications and additions concerning the following areas: enrolling children in the program, types of mentorships, selection, and training of a volunteer/mentor.

More information is available in the document Standards for the implementation of the program Older brother, older sister which is available upon the inquiry via e-mail: info@mentorstvo.ba